Donate Wichita Falls Area Crime Stoppers DONATE Your Donation Will help Wichita Falls Area Crime Stoppers fight crime in our community. Amount Raised 26% 26% Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.$10 Donation$10$25 Donation$25$50 Donation$50$100 Donation$100$250 Donation$250Other DonationOtherOther Donation AmountMinimum Price: $10.00Apply My Donation To:Crime Stoppers OperationsSafer SchoolsHonor or remember someone with your gift? *NoHonorMemorialWhom would you like to recognize?Your relationship to them. Their Email * $10 Other Donation Total$0.00Select Donation Frequency One Time DonationMonthly DonationQuarterly DonationAnnual DonationPayment Method *PayPal CheckoutCredit CardCard NumberExpiration DateSecurity CodeCard Holder NameSubmit